Chief Technology Officer

Adrien serves as lead developer for Bittunes.  He has a Bachelors degree in applied computing and an Assoc. degree in software engineering, from Université de Bretagne Sud, Lorient. Following a stint programming for the French National Railways he undertook an internship at an internship in Logica (now CGI) where he was promoted to IT Engineer.



Web Master, Systems Engineer, Database & external Cloud systems

Denis has worked for over 10 years for the top web development firm in Moscow, as lead developer on long term accounts for such clients as the Russian Standard Bank, TransCreditBank, the Samsung Electronics Russian website and the IKEA B-to-B website. He has a Bachelor’s Degree In Engineering from the Moscow State Engineering Physics Institute.

Adrien and Denis are the 2 core developers behind the project and together they cover a broad range of skills and experience and have a very refined collaborative approach to immediate day to day problem solving, and Research and Development.

Other Developer Credits: Developers who have worked on the project so  far, are: Amardeep Grewal (Project technical lead), Joji Sebastian (early technical hardware configuration), Paul Havey (Android development & integration), Matija Mazi (Bitcoin wallet integration & support) Andrei Todorov (Server-side configuration and coding)  Benjamin Close (early architecture design 2nd stage) and Bhavesh Parmar (Project Management) and Simon Edhouse (UX architecture & design)

This is a section for technical discussion and collaboration between people who are interested to work with our development team on the many technical challenges that we are currently undertaking. The technical team for bittunes, led by ex-Samsung engineer Amardeep Grewal, (far left) traveled to the ‘Future of Payments Conference’ in San Jose to make contact with bitcoin developers and start to understand more about integration of bitcoin and/or similar digital currencies into our applications.

At the hackathon we teamed up with Matija Mazi (2nd from left) from Mindview Consulting who had come to the conference from the Republic of Slovenia. Matija worked with Amardeep on the set up of various bitcoin wallet options to enable closer integration with the processes used by some of bitcoin’s most accomplished exponents. We were grateful too to Alan Reiner one of the core developers at Armory an open source wallet management platform for the bitcoin network, who offered some advice at one of those moments when you are scratching your head wondering if there’s really a problem or perhaps you just need some sleep.

In the end, we arrived at the conclusion that integration with bitcoin and other currency options was probably going to be easier than we had anticipated, but it was definitely going to be a case of working with some of the core serious teams to customize server-side and hybrid distributed solutions that are simply not available commercially yet. Companies like Armory have a good product, but there are still many gaps to work through.  * (warning from this point on this page will become a bit more technical)

One the best places to start to get a thorough overview of the bitcoin protocol and where it is headed in the long term is to view the very detailed talk (above) given by Mike Hearn at the “The future of Bitcoin: new applications and rebuilding the banking system” at the London Bitcoin Conference 2012. One of the most promising areas that Mike is involved in, is the Java library known as ‘Bitcoin J’  To quote from the bitjcoinj website:

bitcoinj is a Java implementation of the Bitcoin protocol, which allows it to maintain a wallet and send/receive transactions without needing a local copy of the official implementation. It comes with full documentation and some example apps showing how to use the library.

The project aims to be easier to understand than the C++ implementation, and be suitable for usage on constrained devices such as mobile phones or cheap virtual servers.

bitcoinj implements both the lightweight “simplified payment verification” mode of Satoshis paper which does not store a full copy of the block chain or verify all transactions, and an experimental full verification mode.

We will update this page soon with some forms for developers interested to contact us in regard to working with some of these systems, as we have some related and quite specific, (though not totally mind bendingly difficult) objectives to pursue.

Of course if anyone is wanting a more basic introduction to bitcoin the wikipedia page on the subject is a good place to start would be: